With Love and Respect



July 17th,2006

Dear Parents/Guardians,

    In my desire to work with disadvantaged children an opportunity has come up that I cannot pass. I am leaving for Africa to work with children that have been left orphaned due to the AIDS virus.I will return in the fall but will be gone the remainder of the summer. I have left the kids in the wonderful hands of my staff and Mr.Sxxx who will provide them with everything that I would if I were still here. They are all aware of my expectations and desires for each of your children and will continue with all the guidelines that I have provided.


    I hope you understand that helping ALL kids is my passion and even though it breaks my heart to leave the rest of the summer I could not pass up this wonderful opportunity to work with kids in such an extreme situation.

With Love and Respect,
Ms. Sxxxx




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Posted on 2006-07-16 by yas |


Posted by yas (未認証ユーザ) on 2006/07/18(火) 16:51